Monday, April 28, 2008

Our New Addition

Well folks, they say a picture paints a thousand words. I'm not sure this one does unless you have 12 years of training, but you get the idea. Yes, this little shadowy gray picture is our next child! How cool is that?

Jenn is due on October 19th and we're very excited. We'd appreciate your prayers for the health of the baby and for Jenn.

This ultrasound was taken at 9 weeks and they're not supposed to be able to determine the gender yet...but...the tech mentioned that it looked a lot like a boy. *yahooo!* We're not totally counting on that because apparently things are too early in the developmental process to tell, but, from what I can gather from this picture...well...judge for yourself. I'm thinking David might be a good name.


jessfuji said...

jeremy - I was snooping through people's myspace pages (it's what I amuses me! :D) and I decided to check out your blog. i was curious since I had heard that you left gateway...anyhoo...congrats on the upcoming new addition!!! :D and on the new church! how is it there? what's the feel of it?? i'm sorta shopping around...
Jessica (fujihara (or grosz) if you couldn't figure it out! it's been awhile!)


Hi, Jeremy and Jenn, I thought I'd check out your blog (I linked to it from Sarah's). Congratulations on expecting your next little one! What fun for you. I read through some of your other posts, too, and will be stopping by from time to time to see how you are all doing! ~ Love, Jo Dorr, Sarah's mom

Unknown said...

Jeremy and Jenn! Congratulations on your new arrival! More transitions!! After 47 yrs I just figured out Life is full of them (just a little slow at coming to that conclusion :)). The Key to survival is to pray, and have lots of support! Miss you two lots but I know you are where Jesus wants you to be. Again, Congratulations for your new son,Tobin Isaiah. Many blessings!
Carol Cuff