Thursday, February 28, 2008

February Update

It's been a busy couple of months for the Ross Fam. In addition to the challenge of getting connected in a new ministry, we also faced a few challenges with our home.

It's actually a lot of work to get to know people. I never really thought of it as work, but it's true. It's a challenge trying to understand how people think, what motivates them, and how I can best lead them, especially when it's like 40 all at once. It's been a really fun challenge, though, and I have a great worship team and staff to work with.

Another challenge that I'm facing right now is the number of new songs that I'm learning. Compass does a lot of different songs than what I did at Gateway so I'm finding myself learning up to 4 songs to lead on Sunday. It's another one of those fun challenges.

As far as the house goes...well, it's old. When you get a house from the 20's there's bound to be little things coming up here and there. This winter we went for three weeks with no furnace. Granted, the furnace was installed in the 40's and lived a good long life, we felt that it's demise could have been timed a little better. Thankfully when we purchased this home we also got a home warranty that covered about half of the cost of upgrading to a nice new gas furnace.

With challenges God brings blessings, though. I think the greatest blessing he's given us is the strength to do what he's called us to do. He's provided for all of our needs physically, spiritually, and financially in an amazing and miraculous way in his perfect timing.

Jenn and I are so thankful for those of you that have been praying for us through this transition. Please continue to pray for our transition. If I had to guess, I'd say we have another three months until we really feel completely transitioned.

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